Saturday, October 23, 2010


They say a dog is a mans best friend; and I couldn't agree more.  I have a three year-old, beautiful Golden Retriever named Sadie whom I absolutely adore.
I have a whole facebook album devoted to her, an 8x10 framed photo of her hanging on the wall in my room, and I love skyping with her! Some would say I'm obsessed.
I remember picking her out the litter...she automatically stood out to me;  she was kind of the 'outsider' of the group, she was crazy and wild and it was if she was on an adventure and curious about all her surroundings, she was fearless and we had the undeniable connection.  Our bonding continued through our many adventures together over the next few years.
It was just as hard leaving her as it was leaving my family when I came to college. She had become a daughter/best friend to me.  But our 'friendship' hasn't changed, she wags her tail excessively every time my mom says "Stephanie's coming home!" and when I walk through the door after being gone for weeks she comes running and welcomes me back with so much excitement.

On a different note of a dogs 'friendship'; a little over a year ago my siblings and I decided that she needed another companion to stay home with her while we were away at work and school.  My parents said no right away and stood their ground for quite some time, but of course we got the best of them :) we knew how to put our case together! After a lot of searching and high hopes, we added a new member to our family, Champ.  My sister picked him out from the local Humane Society. And he couldn't have been a better fit for our family or for Sadie.  Seeing them together now, I couldn't imagine Sadie without him and vise-versa.  They take such good care of each other, as well as being each other best friends and playmates.
Last spring, Sadie gave birth to 9 beautiful Golden Retrievers, and although Champ wasn't the biological dad, it was amazing to see him take over and not just care after Sadie, but also her new little ones.  He gave Sadie her space during labor, but once he got the 'ok' from her he was immediately involved.  I think he was more sad than Sadie was to see them go.  He loved those puppies and they loved him.  It was such a treat to watch mother nature in action and see a dogs natural instincts.
It's funny to compare dogs to humans, reading back on what I've just wrote it almost sounds as if I've been talking about humans.  I guess we're not all that different after all :)
Dogs are some of the most loyal friends we'll ever find...not just a mans best friend, but also a dogs.

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