Monday, December 13, 2010

The right thing to do and what you want to do aren't always the same thing...

I've recently found myself in what I refer to as a 'lost mess'. The struggle of being confused...from what you want, and what you feel you need to do.  About a year ago I met someone who has forever changed my life and made me a better person.  I've learned so much about myself, about growing up, about love, and just about life in general in the past year.
I guess at some point you come to a crossroad - we're faced with choices and decisions have to be made.  Sometimes no matter how much two people love each other, it's just not right...whether that be because of timing, who they are, circumstances in their lives, or numerous other possibilities.  And it sucks.  There's really no other way to say it.  It hurts and tears will be cried, but it's another hurdle in the race of life.
I've learned that sometimes you have to think about yourself and what's best for you.  Sometimes we need time and space to reflect and evaluate our lives, to think about who we are and what we want, where we're going in life and what we need to get there...and sometimes that can only be done on our own.
I find comfort in knowing that things always work out in one way or another.  It may be what we always thought would happen, or it could come in way that we've never imagined.  But in the end, everyone will end up happy and exactly where they were meant to be.
Sometimes two people just can't be together at that point, but it doesn't mean they love or care about each other any less.  It means that they take the memories and lessons and step forward with their lives.

1 comment:

  1. I know that your so strong in words and on paper. But when you sit down to reflect on this and start to cry ..or maybe not cry, just remember that no matter what you are amazing and this isn't the end. This is just the beginning! It's hard now but everyday WILL get better! I love you and miss you SO much!
