Thursday, September 30, 2010

Muslims In America

I'm a big Good Morning America fan - last week they devoted a portion of the show to "Muslims in America", where they looked into the lives of Muslims here in America, and how they have been affected since September 11, 2001.  I had been planning on writing an article about my perspective on the whole situation, but when I read something that one of my personally good friends wrote I realized I couldn't have said it any better than she had and wanted to share that with all of you...

Nine years ago a controversy began. The attack on September 11, 2001 proved to be a test in faith of our government and in our country. We sat by and watched our nation fall apart just to be built back up again. If there was one thing I expected Americans to learn from the attack on the twin towers, it was that our society should come together to create peace throughout our country. Unfortunately, it seems as though only hate has grown in the hearts of many Americans. I know there are many families across America that have lost sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, etc. to the war and the attacks on 9/11, who have also grown to feel hostile towards Muslims/Middle Easterns because it was a group of Muslims who carried out the attacks. What people don't seem to understand is that those terrorists were a small percentage of all the Muslims in this world, and they do not represent many Muslim's beliefs. Random acts of terror happen every day and many people will never hear about it. Whether they be Muslim, Jewish, Christian, black, white, or Asian, people out there are harming the innocent. As a country, America learned to be accepting and open to other cultures and religions. It took a national event for people to learn to hate again. Before 9/11, how many people TRULY hated Muslims? I can almost guarantee it wasn't as many as there are now. Over the past nine years, Americans have become more patriotic, hanging American flags outside their homes, posting bumper stickers to their cars, and wearing this Country's flag on their clothing. It seems that a lot of these people displaying the American Flag, which represents freedom and other American ideals, forget that America is a melting pot; it is a place where people of any culture can practice their religion without being punished. It is a place where people can say what they want, believe what they wish to believe, and represent themselves in their own way. Sadly, our country hasn't changed much since the beginning of it's existance. Yes, more people have the right to vote and can walk around freely. However, our dominant society still has prejiduce against those who are different. People STILL make racist remarks and act in hostile ways towards those of a different color or a different religion. I was truly disgusted to learn that a Pastor (keep in mind that a pastor is a man of God, who should practice forgiveness) proposed the idea that September 11, 2010 should be a national day to burn Qurans. The fact that today, a country that practices freedom of religion, is a host for people that believe in harming and demonstrating hate towards a specific group of people, is not only disgusting, but humiliating and embarrassing. Although I may be biased because I am a Muslim, I believe that our country should not support burning the Qurans. Our social media is going to be the most powerful aspect in this demonstration and I feel as though we should come together and prove that we do NOT agree with this by not sharing viedos or any kind of posts of the burnings. The idea that someone would entertain and demonstrate the burning of a holy book is ridiculous and proves that those people, who claim to be American, really don't represent what this country stands for.

While our government is concerned for those in uniform, which is completely understandable because those overseas are not in a stable environment. What about those of us in America who feel harmed and in danger? The fact that Americans can burn a Quran without being punished is horrifying. What about members of the KKK who burn crosses in people's lawns? I do not see a fine line between the two? Are they not extremely similar? I fear for those Muslims who live near this church, and other places where a majority of the people agree with burning Qurans. I hope our government takes more action than just not covering the burnings. I hope that our social media does more than just "flagging" or posting a warning before the videos play on YouTube. I hope that as Americans, people take action and have ZERO tolerance for showing/advertising any of the Quran burning that may take place.

My heart goes out sincereley to those Muslims (as well as any other person of color or a different religion) who are receiving the harsh end of a racist/prejiduce stick.
-Dalal Abou-Jamous

Love you Dalal!

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